Blogtober Challenge: Day 12

American expats, are you planning to vote in the upcoming election? I don’t know about you, but I’m keen to exercise my civic right from the other side of the world. My Twitter and Instagram feeds are clogged with the descent into chaos that has been our political discourse, and each cringe-worthy day is challenging […]

Blogtober Challenge: Days 10 & 11

I was not able to publish a post yesterday; my energy was dedicated to dealing with condo renovation frustrations back in the States after catching up on sleep and some quiet time in the mani/pedi chair. I wasn’t nearly as distressed about missing a day as I was the first time, but I’ve had bigger […]

Blogtober Challenge: Day 9

Things were so crazy last week that I really haven’t spent much time reflecting on the time I got to spend with family and friends. We made this trip back for a friend, a fact that has elicited comments from other American expats along the lines of, “Must be a good friend. I wouldn’t do […]

Blogtober Challenge: Day 3

Traveling isn’t always all that it’s cracked up to be. People spend time talking about the experiences, the culture, the food, and all the other stuff that gets romanticized. That is real, but sometimes travel is just hard. Real talk, sometimes you get sick, you lose luggage, you’ve got to change plans, you don’t get […]