I’m continuing this exercise of getting my random thoughts out of my brain in the hope that writing becomes easier and the creative thoughts flow more freely. While it felt good to produce something last week, I can’t say that it completely broke the rut. As I anticipated, putting words on the “screen” to get creative ideas flowing again will take a lot more time and commitment.
It did lead to some social media content ideas for my freelance business, but not the level of productivity that I was hoping for. You’ve got to take the wins with the losses, amirite?
That said, I’m back at the keyboard jotting down whatever comes to mind.
Creative Process Overhaul
I read that changing your work environment can help get the creative juices flowing, so I have started some spring cleaning and reorganizing at home. It all started with the spark of an idea around 3:00 am on Sunday morning. I wondered what my home office would look like with some furniture moved around. Of course, from then on, it was clear I would not get any more sleep, so I got up and got to work. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m digging the progress so far. Maybe this change will help align my thinking with productivity and lead to good results.
I’m also stepping away from my desk to find inspiration in other areas of my life. On Sunday, I baked a cake with one of my kids. It was our first cake, and it turned out pretty good, considering we did not have cake flour (I found a recipe that called for all-purpose flour instead). I messed up lining the cake pan with parchment (it didn’t cover the whole bottom and some of the cake stuck), and the frosting I made with butter and semi-sweet chocolate chips came out too sweet. Despite the challenges, I’d call it a success. The cake is nearly gone!

Emotional Rollercoaster
Beyond my little bubble, the wider world has felt harder to process. The plane crash that took the lives of more than 60 people last week hit particularly hard as a former figure skater. Seeing the outpouring of grief for the skaters, parents, and coaches who died has been chilling, especially when I think about what their loss means to the wider skating community. The tragedy surrounding the situation is immense, and I still can’t quite put into words how saddening it is that these people lost their lives.
It takes almost superhuman strength to balance the need to be informed with the need to protect your peace. If you are reading this in the United States, perhaps you can relate.
A distinct feeling of “I’ve got my own problems to deal with” has set in with the new year, and it has felt easier to tackle the devil I know (the negativity jumping out from behind the bushes on my inner journey of growth and self-discovery) than the devil I don’t. I’m learning that protecting your peace sometimes means turning away from things in the external world you agree are important but are too much to absorb daily (I’m looking at you, politics). I’ve noticed how frayed it’s left the synapses in my brain. I’m seeing how exhausting it’s been to consume (news, social media, knowledge, etc…), and now I think taking things slower is what I need to get back to a motivated, creative mental space.
What about you? Is creativity something you’re currently struggling with, too? Are you feeling brain dead from consuming information from a fire hose? If so, leave a comment below to share how you’re digging yourself out and clearing your mind.