International Travel: Beware the Pitfalls

International travel with a family has never been for the faint of heart. Two years into this global pandemic, country hopping now seems like it’s an exercise for suckers. Ok, maybe not suckers exactly, but definitely for people who are exceptional planners, highly adaptable, winning in the sense of humor department, and cool under pressure. […]

Let’s Make a Reading List

It has been pretty hard to find ways to distract from the endlessness that defines COVID-related lockdowns. Some days are better than others, but for months now the days have run into each other like a reboot of Groundhog Day I never asked for. Memes and binge-watching TV shows can only hold my attention for […]

Buying Products for Natural 4C Hair in Thailand

Finding products for natural 4C hair is a common challenge depending on where you live. When I was in the US, buying products to keep natural hair healthy has become easier in recent years. Online as well as brick and mortar beauty supply stores fill gaps left by pharmacy hair aisles in barren areas. In […]

Missing International Travel? Join the Club.

The pandemic is still raging, and depending on where you live, you can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Living in Thailand, the tunnel feels somewhat distant still with the current vaccine rollout progress. International travel seems like a remote goal in our current situation. Getting a flight out, for one is […]