Think remote: Working as a freelancer

I had the chance to try working remotely before COVID made it compulsory for the rest of the world. It was a wonderful option before I had to adjust to sharing my workspace with my spouse and children. The primary reason was that working as a freelancer helped me stay current in my career, which […]

How to Maintain Fabulous Natural Hair Abroad

The trouble with natural hair maintenance If you have lived abroad for any period of time, you know how tricky it can be to maintain and protect naturally curly hair. I don’t care if you’ve got 4C or 3B texture, in some countries (like Thailand) being a curly girl is a challenge. If I just […]

Black history month abroad: Celebrating our impact in the world

It’s Black History Month in the US! The sad irony is that the shortest month of the year is designated for delving into the well of black experiences and our collective contribution to America. The month of observance came from nearly a century of work to preserve the existence of blacks. As a lover of […]

Moving out of the country: settle comfortably

When we decided to move to Thailand, we thought it would be for two years. Maybe three. Now it is our fifth year living abroad. I really never thought we would stay here so long, but we were quickly taken in by the standard of living in Bangkok. Full disclosure: our US life needed some […]