What to know about relocating with pets
Moving abroad can be a complex process for anyone, but bringing a furry friend along adds another challenging layer. Our furry friends are loving companions and an integral part of the family, so it goes without saying that we want to bring them along on our new adventure.
How to spot the symptoms of burnout
Is it only me or do we need a better way to deal with and talk about burnout? It is so common these days that perhaps people seem to underestimate its impact on our minds and bodies. The symptoms of burnout are often visible but are either explained away or attributed to other things going […]
Think remote: Working as a freelancer
I had the chance to try working remotely before COVID made it compulsory for the rest of the world. It was a wonderful option before I had to adjust to sharing my workspace with my spouse and children. The primary reason was that working as a freelancer helped me stay current in my career, which […]
How to Maintain Fabulous Natural Hair Abroad
The trouble with natural hair maintenance If you have lived abroad for any period of time, you know how tricky it can be to maintain and protect naturally curly hair. I don’t care if you’ve got 4C or 3B texture, in some countries (like Thailand) being a curly girl is a challenge. If I just […]