What You Need for Rainy Season in Thailand

In the west, they say April showers bring May flowers, but I’m learning that in Bangkok April showers just lead to more showers. Here it is generally a steamy 85+ degrees Fahrenheit, or 29+ degrees Celsius, in the daytime. Living in the Northeast, I experienced the hot and sticky summers, biting winters, and erratic springs […]

Kanchanaburi with little ones

This respite from the hustle and bustle of Bangkok is just perfect for a few days away with your little ones, or some friends.

5 Great Things About visiting Southern Thailand

One of the most exciting parts about moving to a part of the world I’d never visited before is the amount of travel I have the chance to do in the region and within my adopted country. From Bangkok it is relatively easy to travel around Southeast Asia and within Thailand. Head north to places […]

Tips for creating family traditions among different cultures

Moving to a new place, we have been exposed to a vast new culture that we have the privilege of experiencing firsthand. We also want to make sure our small children are growing up grounded solidly in an understanding of what it means to be an American. That means a lot of reading up on […]