How to Maintain Fabulous Natural Hair Abroad

natural hair

The trouble with natural hair maintenance If you have lived abroad for any period of time, you know how tricky it can be to maintain and protect naturally curly hair. I don’t care if you’ve got 4C or 3B texture, in some countries (like Thailand) being a curly girl is a challenge. If I just […]

Buying Products for Natural 4C Hair in Thailand

Finding products for natural 4C hair is a common challenge depending on where you live. When I was in the US, buying products to keep natural hair healthy has become easier in recent years. Online as well as brick and mortar beauty supply stores fill gaps left by pharmacy hair aisles in barren areas. In […]

How to get natural hair products abroad

In a recent post, I talked about what I encountered as I sought services for my “anything other than straight” hair in Thailand. Writing that post made it evident that finding natural hair products – with reasonably natural ingredients – to nurture my tresses was going to be a ceaseless quest. Was I better off […]

Hair Away From Home

This blog post contains affiliate and referral links. I may earn a small commission to fund my coffee habit if you use these links to subscribe to a service or make a purchase. You will not be charged extra, and you’ll keep me supplied in caffeine. It’s a win for everyone, really. Black women are […]