The Maldives: A Vanishing Beauty

This blog post contains affiliate and referral links. I may earn a small commission to fund my coffee habit if you use these links to subscribe to a service or make a purchase. You will not be charged extra, and you’ll keep me supplied in caffeine. It’s a win for everyone, really. One of my […]
Traveling with Toddlers: Chiang Mai

Please be aware that this blog post contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you). It took us an entire year to make it to Northern Thailand for a visit to Chiang Mai. The long weekend due to the […]
Expat Toddler Travels: Khao Yai

Please be aware that this blog post contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you). The lull in August between the end of summer programs and the beginning of the new school year plays out in much the same […]
I tried Kuala Lumpur for the weekend and here’s what happened

One of the best things about living in Southeast Asia is the ease of travel from country to country. The spouse and I recently found an excuse (in the form of a boxing match between Manny Pacquiao and Lucas Matthyse) to get away to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the weekend. Whether you’re a boxing enthusiast […]