International Travel: Beware the Pitfalls

International travel with a family has never been for the faint of heart. Two years into this global pandemic, country hopping now seems like it’s an exercise for suckers. Ok, maybe not suckers exactly, but definitely for people who are exceptional planners, highly adaptable, winning in the sense of humor department, and cool under pressure. […]
Kanchanaburi with little ones

This respite from the hustle and bustle of Bangkok is just perfect for a few days away with your little ones, or some friends.
5 Great Things About visiting Southern Thailand

One of the most exciting parts about moving to a part of the world I’d never visited before is the amount of travel I have the chance to do in the region and within my adopted country. From Bangkok it is relatively easy to travel around Southeast Asia and within Thailand. Head north to places […]
Going from Singapore? to Singapore! How Impressions Can Change Between Trips

It took more than one trip for my impressions of Singapore to shift. I’m not entirely sure why. Perhaps its reputation for having restrictive laws gave me pause, but I LOVE cities. Living in and around NYC most of my life formed my strongly-held opinions about the ways cities should be, not that it is […]