Buying Products for Natural 4C Hair in Thailand

Finding products for natural 4C hair is a common challenge depending on where you live. When I was in the US, buying products to keep natural hair healthy has become easier in recent years. Online as well as brick and mortar beauty supply stores fill gaps left by pharmacy hair aisles in barren areas. In […]
Thinking of Moving Abroad?

2020 has been heavy. I’m seeing more stories from American expats about their lives abroad and a heightened interest in this lifestyle. This observation has some data supporting it, and it seems to have been happening for some time. Estimates from the State Department are that there are about 9 million Americans, excluding military personnel, […]
Do you become a stay-at-home mom or keep your career?

The hardest part about moving abroad isn’t always leaving friends and family. Sometimes it’s
What You Need for Rainy Season in Thailand

In the west, they say April showers bring May flowers, but I’m learning that in Bangkok April showers just lead to more showers. Here it is generally a steamy 85+ degrees Fahrenheit, or 29+ degrees Celsius, in the daytime. Living in the Northeast, I experienced the hot and sticky summers, biting winters, and erratic springs […]