Be a GOALgetter in 2019

New year, new you right? Perhaps until February. How are you changing how you go after your goals?
3 apps to keep you connected to friends & family all year long

This blog post contains affiliate and referral links. I may earn a small commission to fund my coffee habit if you use these links to subscribe to a service or make a purchase. You will not be charged extra, and you’ll keep me supplied in caffeine. It’s a win for everyone, really. The holidays can […]
Going from Singapore? to Singapore! How Impressions Can Change Between Trips

It took more than one trip for my impressions of Singapore to shift. I’m not entirely sure why. Perhaps its reputation for having restrictive laws gave me pause, but I LOVE cities. Living in and around NYC most of my life formed my strongly-held opinions about the ways cities should be, not that it is […]
Tips for creating family traditions among different cultures

Moving to a new place, we have been exposed to a vast new culture that we have the privilege of experiencing firsthand. We also want to make sure our small children are growing up grounded solidly in an understanding of what it means to be an American. That means a lot of reading up on […]