What I learned from Blogtober

I’m going to be completely honest; I did not enjoy participating in Blogtober. There, I said it. I went into it knowing it would be challenging and that I would have the added complication of international travel with toddlers. What I hadn’t anticipated was how many unforeseen factors would conspire against me or how hard […]
Blogtober Challenge: Days 26-30

“You can’t just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood. What mood is that? Last-minute panic.” ? Bill Watterson I have always been a procrastinator. Despite the utterly preventable anxiety and stress that inevitably comes from working at the last minute, I don’t think I could be convinced […]
Blogtober Challenge: Days 22-25

I may have mentioned this in passing, but this week my children have no school. It’s mid-term break, and Tuesday was Chulalongkorn Day. It would be nearly impossible to have the girls home for nine days straight, so I needed to find a way to entertain them. Many preschools advertise weeklong camps, in-lieu of school, […]
Blogtober Challenge: Days 19-21

I remember how shocked I was when I learned how much childcare would cost us. Daycare for the two girls was about as much as our mortgage per month – and we weren’t alone. This article from Yahoo! Finance is one of many that describe the daycare situation around 2015 when my kids were born. […]